Get Involved There are many ways to help make Wilmette a healthier place to live. Go Green Wilmette has needs for volunteers occasionally at our events and also needs help in other areas. Review the options below and fill out this form indicating your interests. Click submit. We THANK YOU for your interest!ACTIVE VOLUNTEER POOLAn active volunteer pool member might help out for a 1 to 2 hour shift at events doing things such as: Helping out at our annual plant sale in May Manning a booth at the village events and the Farmer’s Market in summer Helping out at other annual events such as the sustainable yard tour, habitat days, tree walks, bird walks, library events, Renewable Energy Day, Pumpkin Pitch or other such events during the year Beach cleanups Manning a compost/waste station at an event Check the box if you are interested in being an active member of our volunteer pool. We will reach out to you as needed during the year. Your name will be added to our volunteer list in Constant Contact. ONGOING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIESIf you have more time to devote, we are also looking for volunteers who have specific skills to share with us that require an ongoing commitment of time and energy. Please check any items below where you can put your skills to work for our community. A board member will contact you to discuss your interests. Communications/Marketing – Help with our outreach, such as the newsletter, social media management, direct mailings, website or publicity. Parks and Nature – Work on projects with the Wilmette Park District or other nature-based organizations to do habitat restoration, bird walks, tree advocacy or other nature-based programming. School Outreach – Become a liaison with a school’s Environmental Awareness Committee. Village Relations – Help monitor all environmental-related village issues and/or follow the work of the Environment and Energy Commission. Renewable Energy and Electrification - Promote and/or work on renewable energy events in Wilmette, such as solar, heat pumps, EV cars, etc. Waste Reduction - help with campaigns involving recycling, food composting, and plastic reduction. Other - tell us what you would like to focus on. Name(Required)Email(Required) PhoneTell us a bit about yourself, and more details about your interests(Required)CAPTCHA