Outdoor Spaces

Invasive Lesser Celandine

Invasive Lesser Celandine

Green plants are beginning to peek above the soil, which can be an encouraging sign that spring has sprung. What you don't want to see in your yard, however, are the little clumps of heart- or arrowhead-shaped leaves. This is lesser celandine, an aggressive invader...

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Ditch the Salt this Winter

Ditch the Salt this Winter

With winter comes snow and ice.  Although we all want safe walks and driveways, salt is damaging to the environment, yards and gardens, and pets. Salt can damage and crack pet’s paws, it corrodes metal and concrete and is damaging to grasses, trees  and plants. Also,...

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Orvis selects GGW for Give Back Days

Orvis selects GGW for Give Back Days

Go Green Wilmette is pleased to be selected by our local Orvis store to be the recipient of their September GiveBack Days. Orvis will give every customer interested in supporting Go Green Wilmette with a donation of $10 or more a 10% discount on all purchases (some...

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Dark Skies – An Inspired Report

Dark Skies – An Inspired Report

IGS (Integrated Global Studies) is a project-based, student-led creative arts class that centers around current global issues. The overwhelming student interest in environmental global issues in IGS has led to the development of the Green Team at Highcrest Middle...

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The Right Way to Mulch Trees

The Right Way to Mulch Trees

Mulching is one of the most important things you can do for your trees. Mulch can protect tree roots from drought, heat and cold. Mid- to late spring and fall are the best times to put down mulch. You can learn more from the Morton Arboretum  or the Chicago Botanic...

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Controlling Mosquitoes

Controlling Mosquitoes

Not only are mosquitoes an annoyance in summer, they carry potentially dangerous diseases  such as West Nile virus. But the safest and most sustainable way to protect your family from mosquito bites does not mean treating your yard once a month with a pesticide. Not...

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Your Yard is a Habitat

Your Yard is a Habitat

CHECK IT OUT!  Download our GGW Green Lawn Care Guidelines If you’re ready to make “green” changes to your lifestyle, your yard is a great place to start. Greening our lives means taking a fresh look at old attitudes. Many of us consider our yards only as an extension...

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Backyard Bird Safety

Backyard Bird Safety

Spring in the Chicago area brings thousands of songbirds flying north on their migration. So many fly through or stop in our area that you can follow them on radar! But migrating birds need our help. According to the American Bird Conservancy, up to 1 billion birds...

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Another Successful Sustainable Yard Tour

Another Successful Sustainable Yard Tour

Go Green Wilmette continued the popular tradition in 2022 with another annual Sustainable Yard Tour.  It was a beautiful summer day and attendees biked, walked and drove to the various gardens. The gardens were inspirational as they offered ideas for creating bird...

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Keep Our Skies Dark

Keep Our Skies Dark

Less than 100 years ago, most everyone could look up and see a spectacular starry night sky. Now, millions across the globe may never experience this spectacle due to the use of artificial light at night which impairs our view of the universe.       The inappropriate...

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The Right Way to Mulch Trees

Wilmette’s Tree Ordinance Passes 7 – 0

Thanks to you, your neighbors, your Village Trustees and Village staff, Wilmette has a new, stronger tree ordinance. This is a great step forward and demonstrates that the Village understands how valuable our trees are. The ordinance will protect our tree canopy and...

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Parks and Nature

Parks and Nature

Go Green Wilmette provides many opportunities for Wilmette residents to get outside and enjoy our parks. We also plan events that help residents learn more about the importance of increasing native habitat in our yards and parks. Check our calendar for upcoming events...

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Is shoveling sidewalks required in Wilmette?

Homeowners do not have to shovel their sidewalks but it is the neighborly thing to do and makes winter walking so much safer for all of us. (It IS required in Chicago, Evanston and some other suburbs.) If you have an elderly neighbor, why not shovel their walk, too?...

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Saving the Redwoods

Treat yourself to this ten minute video about a Michigan arborist who had a near death experience and now devotes his time to saving old growth, west coast redwood trees by cloning them and replanting them further north in protected areas. Between logging practices,...

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What exactly are nurdles?

Nurdles are very small pellets of plastic, less than 5 mm in size. They are melted down and molded by the plastic industry to create commonly used plastic items. Unfortunately, billions of nurdles and smaller microplastics end up in the Great Lakes and then wash up on...

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Little Garden Club Pocket Prairie Garden

The Little Garden Club of Wilmette invites you to learn about Pocket Prairie Gardens, a fast way to add beautiful native plants to your garden in six easy steps. The decline of bees, Monarch butterflies, pollinating insects and native birds is directly related to...

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Protecting our Suburban Forests

Go Green Wilmette works with the Village, the Wilmette Park Districts and residents to protect and expand our "suburban forests.” Our Tree Walks draw more than sixty people annually to learn more about our trees. Many of the dead trees you see are ash trees, victims...

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Go Green Wilmette

P.O. Box 954
Wilmette, IL 60091


Go Green Wilmette is a tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) and Illinois Department of Revenue regulations. Contributions are deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law


Helping Wilmette Go Green

Since 2006