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Events at this venue

Eco-Endings & Green Burials

Virtual IL

Would you or a loved one like to make a final gift to the planet? Planning ahead for an "eco-ending" is a way to minimize the environmental impact of death. Greener choices can aid in the conservation of natural resources, reduce carbon emissions, protect worker health, and restore and/or preserve native habitat. Learn about options […]

Herbicide Drift: Are Trees Impacted Here?

Virtual IL

Herbicide Drift. Are trees impacted here? How to recognize it? What’s being done? Speaker: Kim Erndt-Pitcher, Prairie Rivers Network Director of Ecological Health Register for Zoom HERE Herbicide drift (trespass) has been an economic and ecological concern for decades. However in recent years, there have been dramatic increases in the use of many popular herbicides […]

How are Native Plants Adapting to Climate Disruption?

Virtual IL

Speaker: Emily Dangremond, President, Illinois Native Plant Society Wednesday, May 21 6:30-7:30pm Register for Zoom HERE Starflower (Trientalis borealis) reaches a southern range limit in northern Illinois, which puts Illinois populations at risk due to climate change. Emily Dangremond, President of the Illinois Native Plant Society, researched this plant on the edge, investigating the phenology […]