Go Green Wilmette’s Green Grants

What are Green Grants?

Go Green Wilmette grants funds for programs, projects and events that are in keeping with the mission of Go Green Wilmette – To raise environmental awareness, inspire people to take action, and create a more sustainable community. Grant applications are welcomed from anyone – individuals, organizations, faith communities or any group that makes a proposal consistent with GGW’s mission.

Why does Go Green Wilmette offer these Grants?

Go Green Wilmette wants to help fund those who have great ideas and the capacity to deliver but who lack the necessary funding. The Green Grant program will expand and increase the scope of our work by empowering leaders throughout our community to join us in accomplishing our mission. Our Green Grants range from $50 to $500 dollars.

How to apply for a Green Grant:

Use the online form at right to submit your request. Grant applications are reviewed by the GGW Board as they are received. Green Grants will be extended to groups in our local Wilmette community, and surrounding Chicago suburbs, at our discretion.

Questions?  Contact us.

NOTE: GGW does not reimburse for programs or events already funded by the applicant(s) and/or third parties. GGW does not retroactively fund programs or events which have already occurred.

Recent Green Grant Awards

  • Boy Scout Troops #3, #5 and #9 – Greening Pancake Breakfasts
  • McKenzie & Highcrest School PTO – Food composting pilots
  • Harper Elementary School PTO – Greening Harper Hoedown
  • Community Church of Wilmette – Interfaith Environmental Meeting

Online Application Form


Complete the form online, and submit by pressing the submit button at the bottom of the form.

Please include any supporting documentation with your application, i.e. photos, descriptions, links (be specific), videos, etc.


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