Understanding Spring Migration in the Chicagoland Area With Adam Sell

Understanding Spring Migration in the Chicagoland Area With Adam Sell

Virtual: Zoom link will be provided through Lake County Audubon Society near the date of the event.
Visit lakecountyaudubon.org > program/schedule

Spring migration in Chicago is dynamic. Millions of birds stopover in our region on their journey north. Thankfully, migration is also predictable. With some preparation, you can be in the best places to witness spring migration from late February through May!

Adam Sell is an avid field ornithologist and bird watcher who enjoys studying the distribution and patterns of both migrating and breeding birds in the Chicagoland area. He leads field trips throughout Lake County devoted to educating the public about the wonders of the avian world in their local communities and is devoted to communicating the importance of conserving our natural lands for future generations.

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