Please join us for our spring workday at Elmwood Dunes! We'd love to have your help. We'll get started at 9:00, and we'll work for about an hour or until […]
Join Go Green Wilmette for a chance to work on Gillson Park’s beautiful bird habitat. Meet at the habitat on Michigan Ave. Thanks to our many volunteers for helping us […]
Doug Tallamy returns to the Glencoe Library to share details about his newest initiative, Homegrown National Park. The author of Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants and […]
Join us for a beach clean up at Gillson Beach. Look for our table at the south end of the park near the diagonal beachfront parking. Feel free to come […]
Join GGW Board members for a cup of coffee (or tea) at Wilmette’s Central Station Coffee. Share tips, ask questions, make suggestions, check in with GGW friends, and meet new people. […]
Habitat Helpers of Mallinckrodt Park will meet outside the Mallinckrodt Community Center. We will weed some native plant beds in Mallinckrodt Park. Bring water to drink and gardening gloves. Dress […]
The Wilmette Park District and Upland Design are hosting an open house to discuss future landscape improvements at Gillson Park. We Need Your Input! Join us to share your thoughts! […]
Join us at our booth at the Wilmette French Farmer’s Market. Stop by to ask questions and learn about our upcoming events.
Join us for a beach clean up at Gillson Beach. Look for our table at the south end of the park near the diagonal beachfront parking. Feel free to come […]
Please join us, rain or shine, for a walk through some of the most creative, beautiful, and personal gardens Evanston has to offer. Most gardens are accessible, although steep inclines […]
Join us at our booth at the Wilmette French Farmer’s Market. Stop by to ask questions and learn about our upcoming events.
Join us for a beach clean up at Gillson Beach. Look for our table at the south end of the park near the diagonal beachfront parking. Feel free to come […]
Join Go Green Wilmette for a chance to work on Gillson Park’s beautiful bird habitat. Meet at the habitat on Michigan Ave. Thanks to our many volunteers for helping us […]
Join us for a special in-person discussion with Jon Grand and local author Laurie Lawlor, at The Book Stall. Laurie’s book, Restoring Prairie, Woods, and Pond: How a Small Trail […]
Join GGW Board members for a cup of coffee (or tea) at Wilmette’s Central Station Coffee. Share tips, ask questions, make suggestions, check in with GGW friends, and meet new people. […]
Stop by our booth at the annual sidewalk sale to talk about environmental issues and learn how you can get involved!
Click HERE for the yard tour map and garden descriptions. The tour occurs Rain or Shine! Join us for our annual Sustainable Yard Tour! This year, Go Green Wilmette will […]
Habitat Helpers of Mallinckrodt Park will meet outside the Mallinckrodt Community Center. We will weed some native plant beds in Mallinckrodt Park. Bring water to drink and gardening gloves. Dress […]
Join us for a beach clean up at Gillson Beach. Look for our table at the south end of the park near the diagonal beachfront parking. Feel free to come […]
The ride is on! Gather at 5:45pm, start riding at 6pm from Village Hall. The route will be Green Bay Trail to Kenilworth and Winnetka, back via New Trier High […]
The Friend’s fourth annual Green Bay Trail Day is a FREE celebration of the Trail’s restoration, made possible with the contributions of hundreds of volunteers, community organizations and generous donors. […]
Join Go Green Wilmette for a chance to work on Gillson Park’s beautiful bird habitat. Meet at the habitat on Michigan Ave. Thanks to our many volunteers for helping us […]