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Event Series Harms Woods East Workday

Harms Woods East Workday

Harms Woods - South Harms Road, Morton Grove, IL, United States

If you'd like to enjoy a beautiful day outdoors and help restore health to our local woodlands, please join us for a restoration work day at Harms Woods East! We'll […]

Loyola University Chicago Climate Change Conference

Loyola University Chicago 1032 W. Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL, United States

Climate change has dramatic implications for the world's water resources. Communities worldwide face worsening droughts, more frequent flooding, and rising sea levels. Warmer waters harm aquatic ecosystems and damage fisheries, […]

Event Series GGW Open Meeting

GGW Open Meeting

Central Station Coffee & Tea 1150 Central Ave, Wilmette, IL, United States

Join GGW Board members at Wilmette's Central Station Coffee any time between 11am and noon. Share tips, ask questions, make suggestions, check in with GGW friends, and meet new people. Find out […]